Thursday, March 16, 2017

Open World Game Genre

      Welcome back to Cursors And Crosshairs once again, fellow gamers! In this post, I shall introduce one of my favourite game genres – Open World game genre. Similar to the previous post, I will be introducing some of my favourite game titles from this genre for your information and enjoyment in hopes that it may become one of your favourite game titles too!

Open World 
      Generally, games that employ the gaming concept of open world environments often fall into the category of Open World genre. A major difference between Open World genre games and the average linear progression games is that players are required to stick on a scripted path throughout the gameplay of a linear progression game, often coming across levels in the same order. On the contrary, Open World genre games consist of large environments alongside the option for players to visit various areas and structures whenever they want in-game. Furthermore, the sense of control given to players in Open World genre games allows the player to relate to their character on a different level, which contributes to the popularity of Open World genre games among gamers.

       Despite the meaning that the name “Open World” conveys, there are still barriers that exist at the edge of the game map. As an example provided, the game of Skyrim has barriers put up around the end of its game world. Should a player approach the edge of the Skyrim game map, a message will appear on-screen which inform the players that they are unable to proceed over the border of Cyrodill, which is presumed to be the edge of the map that the game of Skyrim offers to its players.

Open World Terms

  • Free Roaming: Free roaming is not a game genre variation of Open World genre, but a gameplay term used in the Open World genre game design. Open World genre games with the element of free roaming does not limit the player to accomplish missions or quests in order to unlock certain areas of the game map for exploration, but allows the player to travel to all the areas of the game map regardless of the progression of the player in-game.
  • Sandbox: Sandbox is another term commonly found in Open World game genre. Games with the element of sandbox in its game design permits the players to create their own story in-game and to have the freedom to play any character that they favour. However, considering the varying gameplay and game design of sandbox games, sandbox games can also be categorized as different game genre that bears little resemblances to the Open World genre.

Recommended Open World Games 
  • Fallout New Vegas (2010)

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      Fallout New Vegas is the fourth major installment in the Fallout game series, released its iconic predecessor – Fallout 3. Fallout New Vegas takes place in the year of 2281 which equates to a 3 year gap after the events of Fallout 3. The post-apocalyptic game map of Fallout New Vegas is inspired by the Southwest region of United States where a wide array of fictional locations (in which some are based on real life locations) are situated in and available for the players to explore and uncover.

Gameplay of Fallout: New Vegas. Image Source

      In Fallout: New Vegas, players take control of a character named Courier 6 who works for a delivery service called Mojave Express. Courier 6 was given the task to travel across the Mojave Desert to deliver a package to the city of New Vegas. Unfortunately, Courier 6 was ambushed by a third party in the midst of his/her journey, in which the ambusher robbed the delivery package and left him/her to die with a gunshot wound in his/her head. However, Courier 6 miraculously survives the gunshot and proceeds to embark on a journey to track down the ambushers and to recover his/her robbed package.


      However, the flexibility of Fallout: New Vegas is what makes it popular and loved by gamers all around the world. Aside from traditional features such as freely travelling across the game map and equipping weapons of the player’s choice, the flexibility factor of the game players new array of control over the main character. As an example, players can:
  • customize the main character's gender, ethnicity and appearance at the start of the game
  • customize the main character's skills, referred to as S.P.E.C.I.A.L (Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility and Luck) at the beginning of the game
  • choose between the rivaling faction of Legion or New Republic California to side with and carry out missions for
  • determine the reputation of the protagonist, which can evoke varying reactions from in-game characters based on actions carried out by the player onto the in-game characters
  • complete a mission with different methods, in which the outcome may differ depending on options chosen by the player themselves
  • recruit a series of interesting companions with their unique personalities throughout their journey in-game

The player's reputation can be affected by attacking other characters. Image Source
      The gaming community has given Fallout: New Vegas high ratings – the rating of 9.0 out of 10 on IGN as well as the rating of 8.5 out of 10 on Gamespot for its versatility in gameplay and its interesting storyline. Should you have an interest in computer games with a generous amount of Sci-Fi incorporated within, don’t miss out on Fallout: New Vegas and the rest of the game in the Fallout series!

      You can purchase a digital copy of Fallout: New Vegas on Steam here.

  •  Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (2005)

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      Despite the fact that it was released 12 years ago, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas’ nostalgic storyline and gameplay is still loved by Grand Theft Auto fans worldwide. The game of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas takes place in the fictional state of San Andreas in the early 1990’s whereby the player takes control of the main character – Carl “CJ” Johnson, commonly known as CJ by in-game characters and gamers alike – throughout the gameplay.


       Carl Johnson originally hails from the gang of Grove Street Families lead by his brother Sean “Sweet” Johnson in Los Santos, a city run amok with gangs, drugs and corruption. He eventually left Los Santos for Liberty City to escape the pressures of life, but had to return to his hometown five years later due to the death of his mother. Upon returning to the neighbourhood, a few corrupt police of Los Santos, who recognises him, proceeds to frame Carl for homicide, presumably in hopes of throwing him in jail. From that point onward, Carl forcibly embarks on a journey to protect his family and to take control of the streets of Los Santos. 

In-game world

      The in-game map of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas include three different cities which is situated in the state of San Andres, which is based on real life locations of Nevada and California. The three cities included in-game are Los Santos, based on the city of Los Angeles; Las Venturas, inspired by Las Vegas and lastly, San Fierro which is based on real-life San Francisco. Players are able to visit and explore all three cities whenever they wish to in-game.

The player can use a bicycle as a method of exploring the cities. Image Source

      The game of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas also has flexibility incorporated in its gameplay, thus setting it apart from other games in the same genre. Its flexibility can be evident in its features of:
  •     customizable hairstyles 
  •     customizable character outfit 
  •     unique player statistics such as stamina, fat (fat percentage), muscle (muscle percentage), lung capacity (affected while underwater), cycling skill, bike skill, driving skill, flying skill, weapon skill, sex appeal and lastly, respect (level of respect gained) 
  •     wide array of vehicles to utilize in-game, from riding a simple bicycle to flying an aeroplane (vehicles can be legally obtained or through hijacking in-game character’s vehicles, otherwise known as carjacking in terms of car stealing)

The player can train their skills by working out at the in-game gym. Image Source.
       The non-linear, action-packed gameplay of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas has earned a rating of 9.3 out of 10 on IGN and a high rating of 9.6 out of 10 on Gamespot, thus proving its popularity and excellence among gamers worldwide. If you have an interest in action-packed stories and do not mind the aspect of violence in game, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas your must-try Open World genre game.

      You can purchase a digital copy of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas on Steam here.

       Thank you for reading! That concludes my introduction of game genres on Cursors And Crosshairs! Never fear if the Open World game genre or the previously mentioned First Person Shooter game genre does not suit your personal tastes - these two genres are merely my personal favorite in terms of game genres.

       In fact, there are a wide array of game genres in the gaming community that may pique your interest like Open World game genre and First Person Shooter game genre did for me. As a parting note for this post, always remember to not let the other gamers put you down because of your differences in game genre preferences in comparison with their game genre preferences.
       Anyways, stay tuned for the seventh and last entry of Cursors And Crosshairs - Upcoming Computer Games for 2017.

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