Thursday, March 2, 2017

Benefits of Computer Games

       Welcome back, fellow gamers!

      First off, let us take a stroll down memory lane. Personally, video games or computer games has been a huge part of my childhood. This could be attributed to the fact that my father was an avid gamer. I could recall younger myself watching my father play Metal Slug 3 on our home computer in fascination as his fingers tapped away furiously on the keyboard, controlling his character to attack enemies on sight. On the contrary, my mother, who had little to no experiences with computer games, likened computer games as an object of catastrophe which would impact my studies and ultimately destroy me in the long run.

      The negative stigma surrounding computer games is commonly believed by almost every parent worldwide. Furthermore, the emergence of negative news stories tied in closely with video gaming or computer gaming further promotes the stigma that games renders children to be violent, hyperactive and anti-social as they encase themselves and their consoles/computer games in a cocoon, secluded from society. Ultimately, I’m sure that you yourself have heard of horror stories stemming from video gaming and computer gaming from the news as well.

      On the other hand, what the news doesn’t report about is the benefits of computer games which will be discussed and unravelled to you in this post. Moreover, I might even throw in some of my game recommendations related to the said benefit. In fact, some of the benefits might even surprise you!

  • Benefit 1: Improvement of Hand-Eye Coordination 


    Image Source
      Firstly, playing video games, especially quick-paced action games, are able to improve the hand-eye coordination of the individual. A study conducted by University of Toronto discovered that individuals who play fast-paced video games are able to grasp sensorimotor skill at a faster rate compared to their non-gaming counterparts. In fact, video games’ ability to enhance an individual’s hand-eye coordination is proven to aid even surgeons in performing surgeries.

      In reference to a study by Dr. James Rosser Jr. and his fellow colleagues reveals that surgeons who play certain video games are able to perform 27% faster, made 37% less errors and overall scored 42% better on a laparoscopic surgery and on suturing drills compared to non-gaming surgeons.
      My recommended fast-paced action games are the Bioshock series, the Dino Crisis series, Left 4 Dead 1, Left 4 Dead 2, Overwatch, etcetera. With its exciting, fast-paced gameplays, your hand-eye coordination will no doubt be put to the test! 

      Secondly, did you know that playing computer games – particularly three-dimensional (3D) games – can boost your memory? According to a research conducted by neurobiologists from University of California Irvine, it is revealed that by playing 3D games, gamers are able to increase their memory performance by roughly 12%.

      Although the reason behind the 12% memory boost is yet to be determined by researchers, a previous study conducted on rodents discovered that the boosted memory performance can be attributed to the growth of new neurons in the hippocampus (a component of the brain that is associated with memory and complex learning) which stems from exploration of its environment by rodents. Ultimately, researchers hope to aid individuals suffering from cognition and memory issues with their new discoveries.
  • Recommended Games: 


    The open-world element in Fallout 3 (2008). Image Source

    The open-world element in Assassin's Creed: Unity (2014). Image Source

      In this case, 3D open-world games would be highly recommended in terms of exploring landscapes and new environments. Open-world games such as the Fallout Series, the Grand Theft Auto series, the Assassin’s Creed series, Borderlands 2 and etcetera are recommended thanks to its large game map which offers hours of landscape exploration.

      Third and lastly, playing computer games can aid in sharpening an individual’s decision-making skills. As an example, the game Undertale, an 8-bit RPG game, constantly requires the player to make decisions which can heavily affect the whole storyline and its ending. As a result, players are required to use their decision-making skills in weighing the pros and cons of each decision and the outcome that the decision brings.

      On the other hand, strategy games such as Plants Versus Zombies requires the player to devise strategies in beating the in-game enemies and thus, requiring the player to put their decision-making mechanism to good use by thinking ahead of their enemies. According to an article on NBC News by Choi (2010), researchers has also discovered the fact that gamers who play action games have the ability to make faster and more accurate decisions based on surrounding-extracted information.

  • Recommended games:

Players' decision-making skills will be tested in Undertale (2015). Image Source

The player's choices in Life Is Strange (2015) affects the storyline. Image Source

      Games that are recommended for enhancement of decision-making skills are Undertale, Plants Versus Zombie, Life Is Strange, Until Dawn, etcetera as the player’s choices will affect the outcome of the game.

      Well, that is all for this post! Thank you once again for reading and I hope that the benefits of computer games – though only a few are listed here – are able to enhance your knowledge and to clear any myths that surrounds the negative stigma of computer games. Stay tuned for the next post: Computer Gaming Equipment!

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